The Joy of Not Working

by Ernie Zelinski

The Creativity Guy Too Prosperous to Do Mornings

Leisurand Retirement Planning Made Eas

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Inspiration to Help You Enjoy a More Leisure-Filled

Life Today Instead of Tomorrow


The Easy Way to a More Leisurely Life

Glover Ferguson, chief scientist at major outsourcing firm Accenture Ltd., has concluded that if the American standard of living had been frozen in 1950 and all subsequent productivity gains had been applied to reducing the work week, Americans would be able to work only two days a week and enjoy a five-day weekend. Talk about all the more leisure time we could all experience. In the same vein, if the standard of living had been frozen in 1975 instead of 1950, Americans would be able to enjoy a three-day weekend - still a lot more leisure time.


This is evidence enough that Americans who are stressed out due to the long and hard hours they toil away at their jobs are getting exactly what they deserve. If they stopped buying all that crap (SUVs, big houses, fashion, and gadgets) they don't need, they wouldn't have to work so hard and many hours. Instead, they would have a full, relaxed, satisfying, and happy life to which they all aspire.


A Book for the Retired,

Unemployed, and Overworked

 The Joy of NOT Working


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Illustrated by eye-opening exercises, thought-provoking diagrams, and lively cartoons and quotations, The Joy of Not Working is a provocative, entertaining, down-to-earth, and tremendously inspiring book that will help you get more joy and satisfaction out of everything you do.

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Had to Say about The Joy of Not Working:

"An excellent, best-selling, well-written and savvy book on a subject that's near and dear to our hearts, and very much in the spirit of our organization. The margins are chock full of thought-provoking quotes, Calvin & Hobbes cartoons, and amusing illustrations. We can hardly recommend it highly enough!"


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Leisure Quotes and Quotes about Retirement

The Best Things Ever Said about Leisure and Work

From my books, 1001 Best Things Ever Said about Work (and the Workplace), and 1001 Ways to Enjoy Your Retirement, here are the best things ever said about leisure and retirement.

Leisure is the most challenging responsibility a man can be offered.
— William Russell


If I am doing nothing, I like to be doing nothing to some purpose.
That is what leisure means.
— Alan Bennett


Few Americans even know what "leisure" really means, and commonly confuse it with recreation or time off from work, even if that time is spent doing chores.
— Shannon Mullen


Leisure tends to corrupt, and absolute leisure corrupts absolutely.
— Edgar A. Shoaff

He enjoys true leisure who has time to improve his soul's estate.
— Henry David Thoreau


Leisure consists in all those virtuous activities by which a man grows morally, intellectually, and spiritually. It is that which makes a life worth living.
— Cicero


It is impossible to enjoy idling unless there is plenty of work to
— Jerome K. Jerome (1859 - 1927)

To be able to fill leisure intelligently is the best product of civilization.
— Bertrand Russell

Leisure may prove to be a curse rather than a blessing, unless education teaches a flippant world leisure is not a synonym for entertainment.
— William J. Bogan


Leisure time is that five or six hours when you sleep at night.
— George Allen


I have made this letter a rather long one, only because I didn't have the leisure to make it shorter.
— Blaise Pascal


10 Sure Ways to Put More Leisure Time into Your Life

One way to increase your leisure time is to forget what all the efficiency and time-management experts say you should do to be more productive. The problem with time management is that you still end up working ten or twelve hours a day, possibly being a little more productive, but still feeling burnt out and with not much leisure time.

Instead, follow these insights that offer both inspiration and a lot of wisdom for creating more liesure time in your life:


If you don't have enough time to accomplish something, consider the work finished once it's begun.

— John Gage

Remember that nothing matters very much, and few things matter at all.

— Arthur Balfour

One of the best ways of avoiding necessary and even urgent tasks is to seem busily employed on things that are already done.

— John Kennett Galbraith

If you're already in a hole, it's no use to continue digging.

— Roy W. Walters

Never do today what you can do as well tomorrow; because something may occur to make you regret your premature action.

— Aaron Burr

The time to relax is when you don't have time for it.

— Sydney J.Harris

Choose one of these three ways to handle a task fast:

1:  Do it yourself.

2:  Hire an expert to handle it for you.

3:  Decide that it isn't worth doing and strike it off your to-do list.

— From Career Success WITHOUT a Real Job

When you are doing something difficult, tedious, or extremely time-consuming, ask yourself what would happen if you didn't do it. If the answer is nothing, or next to nothing, stop doing it.

— From Career Success WITHOUT a Real Job

Don't' overdo things that shouldn't be done in the first place.

— Unknown wise person

Doing a thing well is often a waste of time.

— Robert Byrne

Learn to distinguish between these three:

1:  Some things need doing better than you or anyone has ever done them before.

2:  Some just need doing to get by.

3:  Some are not necessary; they don't need doing and are best left to the misfits of this world to pursue.

— From Career Success WITHOUT a Real Job

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The Quick Way to Enlightenment

A student, most eager for enlightenment, went to the Master and expressed his desire to be his student and become enlightened.

The Master welcomed his enthusiasm and told him he would be honored to help him.

"How long will it take?" asked the student.

"Usually about two to three years," the Master responded, "but it depends on how hard you work at it."

"Oh," the student declared, "I will work extremely hard. I will try to work at it both day and night."

"Well, in that case," the Master advised, "It will take you at least seven years."


You Too Can Experience More Leisure Time

Today Instead of Tomorrow

Here is a favorite story to get you tuned up for the rest of your life. I often share it with happy, leisurely individuals whenever they tell me that they may have become millionaires by now, only if they had sacrificed their balanced lifestyle to work a lot harder. The story helps them put life back in proper perspective and enjoy their leisure time. It may help you do the same.
A wealthy entrepreneur from New York went on a two-week seaside holiday on the coast of Costa Rica. On his first day there, he was impressed with the quality and taste of the exotic fish he bought from a local fisherman. The next day, the American encountered the native Costa Rican at the dock, but he had already sold his catch. The American discovered that the fisherman had a secret fishing spot where the fish were plenty and the quality superb. However, he only caught five or six fish a day.

The New Yorker asked the local fisherman why he didn't stay out longer at sea and catch more fish.

"But Senor," the fisherman replied, "I sleep in late until nine or ten every morning; I play with my children; I go fishing for an hour or two; in the afternoon I take a one- or two-hour siesta; in the early evening I have a relaxing meal with my family; and later in the evening, I go to the village and drink wine, play guitar, and sing with my amigos. As you can see, I have a full, relaxed, satisfying, and happy life."

The American replied, "You should catch a lot more fish. That way you can prepare for a prosperous future. Look, I am a businessman from New York and I can help you become a lot more successful in life. I received an MBA from Harvard and I know a lot about business and marketing."

The American continued, "The way to prepare for the future is to get up early in the morning and spend the whole day fishing, even going back for more in the evening. In no time, with the extra money you could buy a bigger boat. Two years from now, you can have five or six boats that you can rent to other fishermen. In another five years, with all the fish you will control, you can build a fish plant and even have your own brand of fish products."

"Then, in another six or seven years," the American continued while the Costa Rican looked more and more bewildered, "you can leave here and move to New York or San Francisco, and have someone else run your factory while you market your products. If you work hard for fifteen or twenty years, you can become a multi-millionaire. Then you won't have to work another day for the rest of your life."

"What would I do then, Senor?" responded the fisherman.

Without any hesitation, the wealthy American businessman enthusiastically replied, "Then you will be able to move to a little village in some laid-back country like Mexico where you can sleep in late every day, play with the village children, take a long siesta every afternoon, eat meals while relaxing in the evening, and play guitar, sing, and drink wine with your amigos every night."

The moral of this story is straightforward: Like the Costa Rican fisherman, you too can experience more leisure time - a full, relaxed, satisfying, and happy life today instead of fifteen or twenty years down the road. Tens of millions of people in the U.S., Canada, Europe, and many other countries have such a lifestyle. Contrary to popular belief, however, such a lifestyleis not based on being a multi-millionaire. A full, relaxed, satisfying, and happy life is achieved by living the principles laid out in The Joy of Not Working.

An unknown wise person stated this much more eloquently than I can: "The U.S. Constitution doesn't guarantee happiness, only the pursuit of it. You have to catch up with it yourself." And many people are going to be pursuing happiness for a long, long time, instead of experiencing it, until they come to grips with the fact that hard work does not guarantee happiness. All hard work guarantees is people work hard. So, big deal! I would rather work smart for myself and not for a corporation, and have more freedom in my life and unlimited leisure time.



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Still More of The Best Things Ever Said

about Leisure and Work

From my forthcoming book, 1001 Best Things Ever Said about Work (and the Workplace), here are still more of the best things ever said about leisure and work:


Do not mistake a crowd of big wage earners for the leisure class.
— Clive Bell


If you don't want to work you have to work to earn enough money so that you won't have to work.
— Ogden Nash


Leisure is the time for doing something useful. This leisure the diligent person will obtain, the lazy one never.
— Benjamin Franklin


If the soul has food for study and learning, nothing is more delightful than an old age of leisure.
— Cicero

The best test of the quality of a civilization is the quality of its
— Irwin Edman


I would not exchange my leisure hours for all the wealth in the world.
— Comte de Mirabeau

Only a person who can live with himself can enjoy the gift of leisure.
— Henry Greber


COPYRIGHT © 2017 by Ernie J. Zelinski




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